Supply of advanced tools for Meteomont network monitoring
Nesa srl, as a company that designs and manufactures sensors and systems for environmental monitoring, in 2014 began a great collaboration with Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano (CESI SpA), world leader in the field of civil and environmental engineering and consulting for the electrical sector, which deals with tests and certifications of electromechanical devices and consultancy for large electrical systems.
Nesa was initially selected for the supply of a product designed directly to meet the needs of CESI SpA on the profiling of the snowpack temperature, to be installed at some automatic meteorological stations, located on the Italian Alps; the project, developed in several phases, envisaged the creation of an “ad hoc” solution to obtain the essential information on the temperature trend inside the snow, one of the most important parameters to allow the correct prediction of stability and potential risk avalanches.

Nesa has developed a specific product, discussed and optimized together with the engineers of CESI, equipped with pole structure in anodized aluminum and white painted with 12 high precision temperature sensors (Pt100 1/5DIN), placed on adjustable arms, about 25cm from main pole, to appreciate minimal temperature differences between the various points. Measurements start from the ground level up to a maximum height of 250 cm. The arms, with the sensors on their head, are arranged in a radial pattern to reduce the physical interference between them and thus ensure that each sensor is completely immersed in the snow up to the corresponding level. This product was presented during the Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 in Brussels.
Subsequently, the collaboration between Nesa and CESI has expanded with the supply of WMO sensors, integrated into the Customer acquisition systems, thus guaranteeing the reliability of the measurements of the complete system; in this context, in autumn 2017 a very important opportunity for collaboration was realized thanks to the installation, by CESI, on the Apennines in Campo Imperatore (AQ), of the first automatic meteorological station belonging to the Meteomont network, under the Italian Army.
A detailed description is available at this address:’esercito-171024.aspx
TV service on the national RAI network has also spoken about this station:

The Abruzzo area subject to monitoring has been the scene of recent, disastrous, natural events. In April 2009 a devastating earthquake struck the regional capital (L’Aquila) and numerous historical cities and surrounding villages, causing over 300 victims and an estimated over 10 billion euro in damages. In January 2017 an avalanche caused by exceptional snowfalls and some earthquakes (which followed the events of 2016 recorded in the territory between the upper valley of Tronto, the Sibillini Mountains, the Monti della Laga and the Monti dell’Alto Aterno ) destroyed a hotel located at the mouth of a gully in the town of Rigopiano. In the future, monitoring operations and operations in the area, often made difficult due to the adverse weather conditions that characterize the Apennine internal areas, will therefore be supported by the new meteorological station, located at about 2000 m. height, equipped with professional sensors according to WMO, including Nesa devices for measuring wind speed and direction, net solar radiation and precipitation.
The profitable collaboration between Nesa and CESI has also recentely been extended to the Brazilian “branch” of CESI based in Rio de Janeiro, thanks to the supply of specific sensors, integrated with advanced acquisition systems, produced by CESI.
A winning synergy that allows to offer end customers, in different Italian and global scenarios, a complete and integrated solution that complies with WMO regulations and the main directives for a correct measurement of the atmospheric components of the terrestrial system.