Mauritius Islands – Supply of ISO 9060 photovoltaic monitoring stations

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Photovoltaic solar power generation in Mauritius

The Government of Mauritius has embarked on an ambitious program of increasing the share of renewable energy on the national grid to 35%. The Central Electricity Board has been entrusted with the execution of the UNDP/GEF funded Removal of Barriers to Solar PV Power Generation in Mauritius, Rodrigues and Outer Islands, which was approved in 2011.

A specific tender for supply of equipment for development of online GIS Solar Map was launched in 2016 by UNDP, to support the and enable the upgrade of the existing solar radiation data and the extension of the geographical coverage for solar resource measurement for Mauritius, Rodrigues and the Outer Islands. The procurement of equipment was targeted to support the University of Mauritius to prepare a solar map for the Republic of Mauritius.

Nesa srl received the award notice and after contract’s signature, the implementation of the project started immediately; scope of the supply included 13 automatic stations for the monitoring of radiometric and photovoltaic measures. The stations are composed of pyranometers “Secondary Standard” according to ISO9060 and ISO17205 certification with WMO compliance, calibrated reference cells, air temperature sensors. Data are collected and stored by the datalogger Linux TMF100 and transmitted via 3G modems; aluminum anti-corrodal support poles 2m are included together with autonomous power supply system, which has been specifically designed to optimize the exposure of the photovoltaic panel, given the latitude of the installation (about 20 ° south of the equator).
All the procedure and testing of equipment were successfully reached under the common supervision and control of UNDP and University experts; all the data are currently available online at
Nesa srl also activated an after-sales remote support which is really appreciated by the final customer and the University experts are in close contact with our staff, demonstrating the reliability and flexibility of our solutions to allow high precision research measures on the photovoltaic and solar field.

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