Italy – Monitoring and warning system for debris flows in Val Rabbia
11 years after the first experimental system in Val Rabbia, we have recently completed the update of the network, implementing the innovative Spider Debris Flow®
The high know-how and the ability to always be innovative with our systems, have allowed us to acquire important orders all over the world.
11 years after the first experimental system in Val Rabbia, we have recently completed the update of the network, implementing the innovative Spider Debris Flow®
A 11 anni di distanza dal primo impianto sperimentale in Val Rabbia, abbiamo da poco completato l’aggiornamento completo della rete, implementando l’innovativo sistema Spider Debris
In compliance with Legislative Decree 36/2003the monitoring of environmental conditions and any soil and subsoil pollution is envisaged in landfills and waste treatment plants. In
In ottemperanza al D. Lgs. 36/2003, nelle discariche e impianti di trattamento rifiuti è previsto il monitoraggio delle condizioni ambientali e dell’eventuale inquinamento suolo e
Val Camonica: in recent years, an area already known for landslides has given rise to flows that have appeared in a sudden and increasingly intense
Val Camonica: una zona già nota per movimenti franosi e piccoli smottamenti, ha negli ultimi anni dato origine a delle colate che si sono manifestate
During the first months of 2012 Nesa srl was commissioned, by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, to supply, install and test a WMO-compliant
Nel corso dei primi mesi del 2012 Nesa srl ha ricevuto l’incarico, da parte dell’ Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, di provvedere alla fornitura,
ITALY. WEATHER-MARINE STATION FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH In 2012 Nesa srl supplied and installed a weather-marine station at the Marine Experimental Station (SMS) of the Institute
ITALIA. STAZIONE METEO-MARINA PER RICERCA SCIENTIFICA Nesa srl ha installato, nel 2012, una stazione meteo-marina presso la Stazione Marina Sperimentale (SMS) dell’Istituto di Scienze Marine
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We design, produce and install systems for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install instruments for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install systems for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install instruments for environmental prevention and alert.