Orlovka – Russia. AWOS station for extreme climates
After the success of the first installation made in 2014 at Kotelny Island (part of the archipelago of the “New Siberian Islands” between the “Laptev
The high know-how and the ability to always be innovative with our systems, have allowed us to acquire important orders all over the world.
After the success of the first installation made in 2014 at Kotelny Island (part of the archipelago of the “New Siberian Islands” between the “Laptev
Dopo il successo della prima installazione realizzata nel 2014 a Kotelny Island (facente parte dell’arcipelago della “New Siberian Islands” tra il “Laptev Sea” e l’”East
Installation of 50 weather stations at WASCAL WASCAL (West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use) is a large-scale research-focused Climate
Installazione 50 stazioni meteorologiche al WASCAL WASCAL (Centro di servizi per la scienza dell’Africa occidentale sui cambiamenti climatici e l’uso del suolo adattato) è un
Photovoltaic solar power generation in Mauritius The Government of Mauritius has embarked on an ambitious program of increasing the share of renewable energy on the
Produzione di energia solare fotovoltaica a Mauritius Il governo delle Isole Mauritius ha avviato un ambizioso programma volto ad aumentare la quota di energia rinnovabile
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR MONITORING IN THE CARIBBEAN After the great success of Nesa in the tender launched by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Center in
SVILUPPO SOFTWARE PER IL MONITORAGGIO NEI CARAIBI Dopo il successo di Nesa nella gara indetta dal Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre nel 2012 (dettagliatamente descritto
AGROMETEOROLOGICAL STATIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE CONSORZIO TUTELA PROSECCO CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE The territory of the Marca Trevigiana includes a specific and peculiar area, where the
STAZIONI AGRO-METEOROLOGICHE A SUPPORTO DEL CONSORZIO TUTELA PROSECCO CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE Il territorio della Marca Trevigiana comprende al proprio interno un’area specifica e peculiare, dove la produzione
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We design, produce and install systems for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install instruments for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install systems for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install instruments for environmental prevention and alert.