Italy – Supply of advanced tools for MeteoMont network monitoring
Supply of advanced tools for Meteomont network monitoring Nesa srl, as a company that designs and manufactures sensors and systems for environmental monitoring, in 2014
The high know-how and the ability to always be innovative with our systems, have allowed us to acquire important orders all over the world.
Supply of advanced tools for Meteomont network monitoring Nesa srl, as a company that designs and manufactures sensors and systems for environmental monitoring, in 2014
Fornitura strumenti avanzati per monitoraggio rete Meteomont Nesa srl, in qualità di azienda che progetta e produce sensori e sistemi di monitoraggio ambientale, nel 2014
AUTOMATIC METEOROLOGICAL STATION COMPLETE TO MALTA In July 2014, Nesa submitted its proposal for a tender issued by the University of Malta in the project
STAZIONE METEOROLOGICA AUTOMATICA COMPLETA A MALTA Nel luglio 2014, Nesa ha partecipato ad un tender emesso da University of Malta all’interno del progetto “Operational Programme
INSTALLAZIONE IMPIANTI MONITORAGGIO E FORMAZIONE IN CAMPO IN JAMAICA Nel settembre 2010, il progetto “The European Union Banana Support Programme” emise un bando per fornitura,
INSTALLATION OF MONITORING AND FIELD TRAINING SYSTEMS IN JAMAICA In September 2010, the project “The European Union Banana Support Program” issued a tender for supply,
VISIBILITY SENSOR INSTALLATION FOR AUDI DIGITAL POINTS In November 2017 Nesa was contacted by some leading companies in the field of technological innovation, avant-garde architecture
Installazione sensore visibilità per AUDI DIGITAL POINTS Nel novembre 2017 Nesa è stata contattata da alcune aziende leader nel settore dell’innovazione tecnologica, architettura d’avanguardia e
50 CLIMATE MONITORING STATIONS FOR THE CARIFORUM COUNTRIES During 2011, the “Center for Climate Change in the Caribbean Community” (CCCCC) received funding from the European
50 stazioni di monitoraggio del clima per i paesi del CARIFORUM Nel corso del 2011, il “Centro per i cambiamenti climatici della comunità caraibica” (CCCCC)
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We design, produce and install systems for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install instruments for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install systems for environmental prevention and alert.
We design, produce and install instruments for environmental prevention and alert.