NESA SRL and IANS ( with partner AEROLASE ), exhibited their products and technologies Bahrain International Airshow , which was held from 14 and 16 January 2014. During this important event, in which the main manufacturers of technologies at the top in the military and avionics attended illustrating novelty and potential of their systems, Nesa has further strengthened its partnership with the Russian company, with whom it has already participated in various events abroad for the military and tactical sector. Nesa has presented its solution for the portable station that has had, as on other occasions, a great success thanks to the easy transport, modularity and flexibility in the configuration of the sensors measuring the total weight extremely limited, strength of materials and compliance with regulations WMO and ICAO. The Airshow has been a very important confirmation of the research and technological development of Nesa, which increasingly presents itself as a leader in Italy and abroad for advanced technologies in many fields of environmental monitoring.