NESA AND OSMER Friuli Venezia Giulia (Regional Meteorological Observatory) TOGETHER TO IX EDITION OF “Imparare Sperimentando” (“Learning by experimenting”)

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With great pleasure Nesa was present, thanks to the invitation of “OSMER Friuli Venezia Giulia”, in the ninth edition of “Learning by experimenting”, interactive exhibition that offers a large collection of experiments in physics and science in all areas of natural phenomena.
The exhibition, held at the former Convent of San Francesco in Pordenone, is organized by AIF – Association for the Teaching of Physics – Section of Pordenone. The main purpose of the initiative is to raise awareness of the Physics and Science in general. Details and more information to the site

Nesa has presented a portable demo weather station installed in the ancient cloister and acquired the data and make them available on a web site in real time for the duration of the event (February 8 to March 2 in 2014).

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