Rain gauge and meteorological sensors in cold climates: patented Italian technology at WMO-ICAWS 2017 (Germany)

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The challenge to properly measure equivalent water amount of solid precipitations, where main electrical power supply is not easily available, is a problem that affects many automatic weather stations (commonly identified as “AWS”), especially when installed in particular climatic conditions (due to geographic localization or altitude). Nesa S.r.l. has been designing, worldwide supplying and installing professional equipment and systems for environmental monitoring since 2004 and developed several specific solutions for tipping bucket rain gauges, to make them suitable for applications characterized by reduced power availability, obtaining for one of its products the Patent for industrial invention nr. 0001385352 titled “Pluviometro riscaldato a basso consumo di energia” (“Heated rain gauge with low power consumption”) (Italian office for Patents and Trademark – Ministry of Economic Development, Rome, January, the 1st, 2011).

Nesa was chosen to attend a presentation and Poster session at International Conference on Automatic Weather Stations (ICAWS-2017) 24 – 26 October 2017, Offenbach am Main, Germany under the theme “Automatic weather stations for environmental intelligence – the AWS in the 21st century”. This prestigious opportunity allowed the company to present its technological solutions in front of an audience formed by the most important global researchers in the field of meteorology and technology for environmental monitoring.

The video of the presentation:

The Scientific Poster:

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