The new website is online

Condividi su:

Nesa S.r.l. was born in 2003 with the imperative of bringing innovation in the field of environmental monitoring and alerting through effective and efficient solutions.

These continuous innovations have led to a step forward also in digital communication, to stay in close contact with partners and customers in increasingly ambitious projects, and to make their mark on the marketing recognizable.

The new website of Nesa S.r.l. is now available, completely renewed in its graphic structure, intuitive and user friendly. The more modern and responsive design allows an optimal display of the contents, expanded and complete, from any device, anywhere and at any time.

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    +39 0423 985209


    Progettiamo, produciamo e installiamo strumenti per la prevenzione e la sicurezza ambientale.


    We design, produce and install instruments for environmental prevention and alert.
