Radiazione solare

Albedometer (reflecting radiation)


The Albedometer basically consists of two pyranometers, mounted back-to-back, one pointing upward and one downward that measure the incident global radiation (direct radiation + diffuse radiation) striking the ground, and the global radiation reflected from the ground.

It’s a high quality instrument that, thanks the different types of standard signal output (voltage or current) or digital RS485 with ModBus, can be easily interfaced with any acquisition system.

Each instrument is supplied with calibration certificate and relative instrumental constant.

  • Class I Albedometer
  • WMO standards compliant
  • Compact and light design in aluminium.
  • Typical range 0÷1300W/m2
  • High sensibility 10µV/(W/m2)
  • Easy to install
  • Spectral range 0,3µm÷3µm
  • According to CE norms

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