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Support for fixing on a flat surface - SPL2
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Home > Products > Sensors > Rain and Snow > Class A rain gauge (1000 cm²)
The class A PL1000 Rain Gauge sensor consists of a cylindrical body with collection surface of 1000cm² in anodized aluminium on which it’s mounted a funnel shape orifice with a filter, that directs the rain towards a stainless-steel tipping bucket, realized with a knife blade shaped support system. A specific device (reed) feels the commutations of the tipping bucket filtering every electrical and mechanical noise. The shape of mechanical parts has been developed to reduce interferences for the water and permitting it to fall into the tilt bucket system.
Available heated for cold climatic condition (mod. PL1000R) and with MCS module for signal normalization (0÷2Vdc, 4÷ 20mA, RS485/Modbus).
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