Radiazione solare

Pyrheliometer (direct solar radiation)


The pyrheliometer (First Class according to ISO 9060 classification) is an instrument for measurement of direct solar irradiance (Watt/m2), using a thermopile. The receiving surface must be placed (by a solar tracker or manually) perpendicularly to sun’s rays. By using suitable diaphragms, only the direct light reaches the surface of the sensor.

According to WMO (Seventh Edition 2008) and ISO 9060 regulations, the pyrheliometer has a field of view of 5°.

Available also with Modbus interface on RS485 line.

  • High precision direct sun energy sensor
  • Thermopile measuring system
  • Compact and light design in aluminium
  • WMO standards compliant
  • Spectrum of radiation 250-4000 nm
  • Easy to clean up and maintain
  • According to CE norms

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