
Contract award for 50 aws according to WMO

NESA s.r.l. has been awarded of an important European-funded contract for the provision of a large meteorological network for 10 of the 18 nations that compose the “West African Countries”. The network includes monitoring stations according to WMO, remote telemetry, surveillance system and centralization software. The stations consist of high-tech instrumentation and sensors, managed by …

Contract award for 50 aws according to WMO Read More »

Nesa’s new future headquarter and scientific pole

With the aim of a medium to long-term investment plan, NESA srl expands its potential by acquiring Vidor’s entire building of “Ex-Middle Schools” to be deployed to the next new headquarters, but with the clear intention of creating a “science and technology pole”, where new and young innovative realities, such as start-ups, designers and technology …

Nesa’s new future headquarter and scientific pole Read More »

Evolution is the new generation Datalogger

NESA s.r.l. is going to participate in the world’s biggest exhibition for manufacturers of instrumentation and environmental monitoring systems and will present as world premiere a product ready to revolutionize the market for acquisition systems, based on established and proven decades of experience in embedded Linux open operating systems: evolution, the new and powerful data logger, …

Evolution is the new generation Datalogger Read More »

Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015

NESA s.r.l. launches a new professional sensor for environmental monitoring. The study of the temperature of the snow has strategic importance for check the profile stability, especially in areas under avalanche risk. The stability of the snow is strongly influenced by its thermal profilingand know with extreme detail and accuracy the value at different heights above the ground allows …

Meteorological Technology World Expo 2015 Read More »

NESA s.r.l. and Ammonit Measurement GmbH: a partnership for wind monitoring projects

Recently Nesa srl has signed an important trade agreement with Ammonit Measurement GmbH, worldwide leading German Company in the field of wind resource assessment and monitoring(in reference to the current standard IEC 61400-12-1 and upcoming standard IEC 61400-15-1 ), as well as solar resource assessment and monitoring. The trade agreement between Nesa srl and Ammonit Measurement GmbH includes distribution in the world …

NESA s.r.l. and Ammonit Measurement GmbH: a partnership for wind monitoring projects Read More »

Nesa s.r.l. is going to attend to sixth world Meteorological Technology Expo. Let’s join us!

NESA s.r.l. is going to participate in the world’s biggest exhibition for manufacturers of instrumentation and environmental monitoring systems. Now in its sixth edition, the Expo changes location, and after 5 years at the trade fair pavilion in Brussels, will move to the “Feria” in Madrid, Spain.NESA srl, always present at this event, strengthens more and …

Nesa s.r.l. is going to attend to sixth world Meteorological Technology Expo. Let’s join us! Read More »

Nesa, Ians&Laser Systems alla World Meteorological Technology Expo 2014

NESA SRL and IANS together again at the third edition of the World Meteorological Technology Expo in Brussels. In this very important occasion of International meetings, the relationship between the two companies has been further strengthened and the participation of NESA has guaranteed many significant contacts worldwide, which have became in large part Customers of …

Nesa, Ians&Laser Systems alla World Meteorological Technology Expo 2014 Read More »

Nesa and Gestioni Elettroniche spa present the “SMTT” to ReSMA in Vigna di Valle (Bracciano-italy)

Nesa SRL and Gestioni Elettroniche SPA become again operating at Vigna di Valle near Lake of Bracciano (headquarters of the Experimentation Departments of Aeronautical Meteorology, called “ReSMA”) with the presentation of the proposed Transportable Tactical Meteorological Station, in accordance with WMO , equipped with advanced smart sensors with serial communication protocol. The standard station can be …

Nesa and Gestioni Elettroniche spa present the “SMTT” to ReSMA in Vigna di Valle (Bracciano-italy) Read More »

NESA and IANS (AEROLEASE) al Bahrain International Airshow 2014

NESA SRL and IANS ( with partner AEROLASE ), exhibited their products and technologies Bahrain International Airshow , which was held from 14 and 16 January 2014. During this important event, in which the main manufacturers of technologies at the top in the military and avionics attended illustrating novelty and potential of their systems, Nesa has further strengthened …

NESA and IANS (AEROLEASE) al Bahrain International Airshow 2014 Read More »

NESA AND OSMER Friuli Venezia Giulia (Regional Meteorological Observatory) TOGETHER TO IX EDITION OF “Imparare Sperimentando” (“Learning by experimenting”)

With great pleasure Nesa was present, thanks to the invitation of “OSMER Friuli Venezia Giulia”, in the ninth edition of “Learning by experimenting”, interactive exhibition that offers a large collection of experiments in physics and science in all areas of natural phenomena.The exhibition, held at the former Convent of San Francesco in Pordenone, is organized by AIF – …

NESA AND OSMER Friuli Venezia Giulia (Regional Meteorological Observatory) TOGETHER TO IX EDITION OF “Imparare Sperimentando” (“Learning by experimenting”) Read More »

Progettiamo, produciamo e installiamo sistemi per la prevenzione e la sicurezza ambientale.

Progettiamo, produciamo e installiamo strumenti per la prevenzione e la sicurezza ambientale.

We design, produce and install systems for environmental prevention and alert.

We design, produce and install instruments for environmental prevention and alert.